Full paper submission

Full paper for special issue of Coupled Systems Mechanics should be submitted to Techno Press website. The link for submission is http://www.techno-press.org/papers

To submit the paper, please select Coupled Systems Mechanics (CSM) for a journal and Prof. Adnan Ibrahimbegovic as editor-in-chief .

Please use MS Word or Latex template.

CILAMCE full paper Latex template

CILAMCE full paper MS Word template


Special issue CILAMCE 2018 of the LAJSS – Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures

Please note that:
1. LAJSS can accomodate two numbers of such a special edition, each with 10 articles, so a total of 20 articles can be published.
2. LAJSS operates on a continuous basis, so papers accepted by the Guest Editor go straight to production and publication but allocated to an assigned special issue. Once that issue reaches 10 papers then it is closed, to the limit of 2 issues.
3. You should indicate that your paper is for CILAMCE 2018 Special Issue.
4. LAJSS has an APC of 300 Euros. Authors may opt for FAST TRACK at 600 Euros and it will be the duty of the Guest Editor to handle them within the given period.
5. Editora Cubo is authorized to charge authors via PayPal, wire transfer or Credit Card.


The link for submission is https://www.lajss.org/index.php/LAJSS